Bullying and School Safety Concerns

If you or someone you know has experienced harassment, bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, dating violence, or any other prohibited conduct, school staff will help. Although we encourage reports to be made to an administrator, student services personnel, police consultant, or a trusted adult, students may opt to use the Bullying and School Safety Hotline or fill out the Bullying and School Safety Report form. Using the hotline or filling out the safety report can be done anonymously.

Bullying and School Safety Hotline: 


All tips are anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself. Please include as much detailed information as possible including:

WHAT happened

WHO was involved

WHEN did/will it occur

WHERE did/will it occur

Reports received outside of school hours will not be reviewed and acted upon until school is in session. If your concern(s) require(s) immediate attention, please contact local law enforcement or call 911.